光影織疊-情境宅A Residence Spilled with Lights and Shadows

光影織疊-情境宅A Residence Spilled with Lights and Shadows

設計盒子DESIGN BOX 2018-01-15 11:09

上翼室內裝修工程有限公司  Shang Yi Interior Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.

林仁德  Jen-Te Lin



When strolling along the quiet and uninhabited countryside, we can always awake the internal feelings by means of the nature, by which we feel the changes of seasons, sunrise and sunset, crisscross of lights and shadows, and breeze while realizing those feelings into life. The personal experiences in the residence, created by means of the surrounding environment, have been placed great value and become the subjects in contemporary interior design, in a busy and crowded city.


This project is about a residence in a new mansion, in which is designed for the family members including parents and three children. The porch, with the simple and graceful atmosphere, has become the central part that transforms different moods either staying out- or indoor, by furnishing the interior space with light-colored veneers wooden walls, white ceiling, black rocks, dark woodworks, and black-mirror cabinet. The public areas, composed of the living room, dining room, and opened kitchen, is located at the central space where is present with the aesthetics of conflictions and demonstrating the design ideas, by furnishing the interior space with the delicate TV wall made of stones, the walls and ceilings with the texture of sycamore, the back mirrors, hexagon floor tiles, and eccentric furniture, the skill connecting distinct materials.


According to the clients’ demands for space with perspectives of different time, moods, and life, the designer, by utilizing the lights design, ingeniously redefines the space, connects the inner senses from people, and meets the physical and mental demands for different atmospheres. In daytime, the daylight coheres the happy family members; at night, when the lights go off in the living room, the residents feel as if rambling in the universe by means of the paintings of the sky on the ceiling. From now on, rather than being as a rectangular container, the space changes overtime, creating the diverse feelings for the residents.



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