Auer Weber Assoziierte-歐洲天文研究組織總部 延伸的曲線

Auer Weber Assoziierte-歐洲天文研究組織總部 延伸的曲線

欣傳媒-新生活態度Xinmedia 2015-03-26 00:00

位於智利的歐洲天文研究組織(European Organisation for Astronomical Research,ESO)可說是跨國界天文研究領域中最先進,也是全球研究成果最多的組織。由15個國家團隊組成的ESO分別在智利的拉西拉(La Silla)、帕瑞纳(Paranal)和查南托(Chajnantor)三處進行天文學研究,並製造出全世界最大的地面天文望遠鏡「阿塔卡瑪大型Atacama Large Millimeter/ submillimeter Array」
毫米及次毫米波陣列,以及歐洲最大的望遠鏡E-ELT(European Extremely Large Telescope)。

這次由德國建築師事務所Auer Weber Assoziierte負責規劃的歐洲天文研究組織總部增建工程,主要是為了能容納更多參與天文研究的同事,以及提供新式科技化大樓以置放、改裝或是測試更先進的儀器;在設計時則同時考慮到所處基地校園南邊的綠帶及現有總部獨特的外觀以及彼此功能上的銜接。同時,新大樓設計不僅被視為融合在四周環境之中,在高度上也以不高過三層樓為標準,避免超越原有5層樓高的辦公大樓。




二棟新大樓同時也獲得綠建築獎的認證,有效地降低了能源使用上的浪費,這也要歸功於外立面、牆及板構造材料上良好的隔熱效果。辦公區大樓中的溫度則透過可自行調節熱度的混凝土心活化系統(concrete core activation system)加以控制,部份的熱能則來自於區域供熱規劃的地熱系統。

Auer Weber Assoziierte 事務所



編譯/蘇琨峰 圖文/Auer Weber Assoziierte & Aldo Amoretti


ESO Headquarters Extension/Auer Weber Assoziierte

ESO, the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere, is the foremost intergovernmental astronomy organisation in Europe and the world’s most productive astronomical observatory. ESO operates three sites in Chile — La Silla, Paranal and Chajnantor — on behalf of its fifteen member states. Together with its international partners, ESO built ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) and is presently designing the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT).

The new annex marks an important moment in ESO’s history, as it brings the complete ESO staff in Garching together on one site, facilitating valuable collaboration, as well as providing a technical building for ESO’s most advanced instruments to be assembled, tested and upgraded.

These two buildings — an office and conference building of 10.300 square metres and a technical building of 2.900 square meters — and their surroundings cover more than double the current area of the ESO Garching Headquarters.

The extension was designed to complement the original building (Architects: Fehling+Gogel). The office building, implementing a similar curved shape, boasting two inner courtyards, makes extensive use of natural light sources. The technical building is a cylinder construction with a diameter the size of the 39-metre primary mirror of the E-ELT.

Both new buildings have been labelled green buildings due to the significantly lower energy consumption typical for buildings of this size. This is achieved with the well-insulated facade and intense wall and slab insulation. The office building is heated and cooled through concrete core activation — using ground water, which is fed into with a heat pump. Additional heat energy is supplied with district heating utilizing geothermally heated water.

Design concept

The architectural concept for the extension buildings takes into account both the established green belt beyond the southern border of the research campus and the extrovert character of the existing headquarters building. The result is open and individual buildings that blend both functionally and formally with the existing headquarters, while still respecting its prime position with the main entrance, reception and public areas. Since the new office and conference building is located south of the existing headquarters and therefore reaches even further into the green belt, it was conceived as a structure embedded in its natural surroundings. In keeping with the majority of the existing building, the height of the new buildings does not exceed three storeys other than the two five-storey office rings towards the southeast.

The circle form is the dominating architectural component in the existing headquarters building. In this context it refers to scientific communication and this design element is overtaken and transformed into the extension building. While the existing building is composed of a series of open arcs opening out into the surrounding countryside, the new building forms a continuous band of convex and concave circles that enclose inner circulation zones, communication zones and public facilities such as the auditorium, council room and cafeteria.

The circle form is the dominating architectural component in the existing headquarters building. In this context it refers to scientific communication and this design element is overtaken and transformed into the extension building. While the existing building is composed of a series of open arcs opening out into the surrounding countryside, the new building forms a continuous band of convex and concave circles that enclose inner circulation zones, communication zones and public facilities such as the auditorium, council room and cafeteria.

The main entrance to the existing headquarters is via a ramp from the northwest at a height of about 4 metres above ground, meaning one enters the building through the first floor. The ground floor is mainly used for internal access and delivery. Therefore, the new building is conceived with its two main floors floating above ground level. These two main floors rest on structural and functional building elements, which contain the auditorium, delivery areas, covered bicycle and car parks. The basement is located below the auditorium complex. In order to avoid breaching the ground water level, the basement areas are reduced to the required minimum in order to avoid the risk of flooding and reduce waterproof concrete structures building costs.

【More Information】
Auer Weber Assoziierte

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A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.



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